Every year as we hit the Midway I would start my subtle campaign to see the Sideshow.

It was an uphill battle, but I harbored a single-minded passion that would not be denied.

Frog or Stinger

The game required lightning fast imagination and the useless

ability to spit out a peculiar name at three second intervals.

In Search of the Illusive (#6-2") Wood Screw

Stock can be anywhere at anytime, you might find a bag of cement mix in the carpet and

flooring isle, plumbing parts in the electrical isle, or a Sego Palm in the roofing isle.

The Suggestion Box

I suggest Danny in Accounting be required to wear a gelding harness
I suggest (Anonymous) I be in charge of adjusting said gelding harness


Yell at the TV, bitch about the Tele-Tubbies, lecherously comment about Kelly Ripa.

Complain loudly about Non-English speaking peoples, even when visiting their country.